Processing Set Up

Specify directories and load libraries Smooth scatter plot example code from

## Loading required package: data.table
## Loading required package: RColorBrewer

Read data from the Logger

One line per station (8 or 4 sensors). Sensor 5 has 8 sensors and all the others have 4 sensors. Entries for empty ports are just NAs in the data file.

## [1] 163497     24

Assign column names and types and summarise the results

##              Timestamp StationID PktID BatteryV   SM1 Temp1   SM2 Temp2
##      1: 20180910053012         2    28      9.7                        
##      2: 20180910053016         4   614     10.2                        
##      3: 20180910053321         5   367      9.7 24.58    13 40.54  13.1
##      4: 20180910053521         3   631      9.6     0    20     0  18.9
##      5: 20180910053659         1   677      9.6     0  19.8     0  20.6
##     ---                                                                
## 163493: 20190602223906         2 33683      8.4                        
## 163494: 20190602224336         5 35978      8.3  9.86  13.6 10.49  14.6
## 163495: 20190602224652         3 34767      8.3 11.65  12.5 13.42  14.8
## 163496: 20190602224729         1 37083      8.3  1.83  14.3  6.04  15.2
## 163497: 20190602224957         4 29578      8.8  4.44    13  6.29  14.1
##           SM3 Temp3   SM4 Temp4   SM5 Temp5   SM6 Temp6   SM7 Temp7   SM8
##      1:                             0  20.3     0  21.6     0  20.6     0
##      2:                                                                 0
##      3: 24.31  12.9 42.28  12.9 29.32  12.7 37.79  12.9 35.04  12.8 38.92
##      4:     0  20.3     0  20.2                                          
##      5:     0  20.7     0  19.3                                          
##     ---                                                                  
## 163493:                          5.54  13.5 20.47  15.6  4.03  14.8 25.54
## 163494:   8.9  13.7  9.88  14.9  9.92  14.3 10.95  15.2  6.33  14.7  6.08
## 163495: 11.21  13.2 13.48  14.3                                          
## 163496:  1.68  13.8  3.36  15.2                                          
## 163497:   5.9  11.8  7.15    14                                          
##         Temp8 Checksum Rawrssi NoiseFloor SignalToNoiseRatio
##      1:  19.4     2806     -96       -102                 -1
##      2:  20.2     1720     -93       -102                  8
##      3:  13.0     4935     -94        -99                 -3
##      4:    NA     2847     -91       -102                  7
##      5:    NA     2874     -91       -102                  6
##     ---                                                     
## 163493:  15.8     3117     -72        -94                 15
## 163494:  15.5     4775     -68        -93                 14
## 163495:    NA     3198     -88        -98                 10
## 163496:    NA     3004     -86        -97                 11
## 163497:    NA     3018     -82        -93                 13
##              Timestamp StationID PktID BatteryV   SM1 Temp1   SM2 Temp2
##      1: 20180910053012         2    28      9.7    NA    NA    NA    NA
##      2: 20180910053016         4   614     10.2    NA    NA    NA    NA
##      3: 20180910053321         5   367      9.7 24.58  13.0 40.54  13.1
##      4: 20180910053521         3   631      9.6  0.00  20.0  0.00  18.9
##      5: 20180910053659         1   677      9.6  0.00  19.8  0.00  20.6
##     ---                                                                
## 163493: 20190602223906         2 33683      8.4    NA    NA    NA    NA
## 163494: 20190602224336         5 35978      8.3  9.86  13.6 10.49  14.6
## 163495: 20190602224652         3 34767      8.3 11.65  12.5 13.42  14.8
## 163496: 20190602224729         1 37083      8.3  1.83  14.3  6.04  15.2
## 163497: 20190602224957         4 29578      8.8  4.44  13.0  6.29  14.1
##           SM3 Temp3   SM4 Temp4   SM5 Temp5   SM6 Temp6   SM7 Temp7   SM8
##      1:    NA    NA    NA    NA  0.00  20.3  0.00  21.6  0.00  20.6  0.00
##      2:    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA  0.00
##      3: 24.31  12.9 42.28  12.9 29.32  12.7 37.79  12.9 35.04  12.8 38.92
##      4:  0.00  20.3  0.00  20.2    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA
##      5:  0.00  20.7  0.00  19.3    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA
##     ---                                                                  
## 163493:    NA    NA    NA    NA  5.54  13.5 20.47  15.6  4.03  14.8 25.54
## 163494:  8.90  13.7  9.88  14.9  9.92  14.3 10.95  15.2  6.33  14.7  6.08
## 163495: 11.21  13.2 13.48  14.3    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA
## 163496:  1.68  13.8  3.36  15.2    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA
## 163497:  5.90  11.8  7.15  14.0    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA
##         Temp8 Checksum Rawrssi NoiseFloor SignalToNoiseRatio
##      1:  19.4     2806     -96       -102                 -1
##      2:  20.2     1720     -93       -102                  8
##      3:  13.0     4935     -94        -99                 -3
##      4:    NA     2847     -91       -102                  7
##      5:    NA     2874     -91       -102                  6
##     ---                                                     
## 163493:  15.8     3117     -72        -94                 15
## 163494:  15.5     4775     -68        -93                 14
## 163495:    NA     3198     -88        -98                 10
## 163496:    NA     3004     -86        -97                 11
## 163497:    NA     3018     -82        -93                 13
##          Timestamp          StationID              PktID 
##        "character"          "integer"          "integer" 
##           BatteryV                SM1              Temp1 
##          "numeric"          "numeric"          "numeric" 
##                SM2              Temp2                SM3 
##          "numeric"          "numeric"          "numeric" 
##              Temp3                SM4              Temp4 
##          "numeric"          "numeric"          "numeric" 
##                SM5              Temp5                SM6 
##          "numeric"          "numeric"          "numeric" 
##              Temp6                SM7              Temp7 
##          "numeric"          "numeric"          "numeric" 
##                SM8              Temp8           Checksum 
##          "numeric"          "numeric"          "integer" 
##            Rawrssi         NoiseFloor SignalToNoiseRatio 
##          "integer"          "integer"          "integer"

Read data from the Weather Station

One line per station (8 or 4 sensors). Sensor 5 has 8 sensors and all the others have 4 sensors. Entries for empty ports are just NAs in the data file.

## [1] 25445    18
##                            Date                            Time 
##                     "character"                     "character" 
##        Temperature.RAW...Deg.C.           Radiation.RAW...Wm2.. 
##                       "numeric"                       "numeric" 
##     Internal.Battery.RAW...mV..      External.Supply.RAW...mV.. 
##                       "integer"                       "integer" 
##  Wind.Direction.Min.RAW...deg..  Wind.Direction.Ave.RAW...deg.. 
##                       "integer"                       "integer" 
##             vWind.Direction....  Wind.Direction.Max.RAW...deg.. 
##                       "integer"                       "integer" 
##             vGust.Direction....      Wind.Speed.Min.RAW...m.s.. 
##                       "integer"                       "numeric" 
##      Wind.Speed.Ave.RAW...m.s..      Wind.Speed.Max.RAW...m.s.. 
##                       "numeric"                       "numeric" 
##            Humidity.RAW...pct.. Barometric.Pressure.RAW...hpa.. 
##                       "numeric"                       "numeric" 
##        Vaisala.Power.RAW...Volts.. 
##                       "numeric"                       "numeric"

Data cleaning

Cleaning process

  1. adjust RSSI reading for SNR according to datasheet Remove rows with illegal values as follows:
  2. StationID is 1 to 5 (sensors from 1 to 8 are in the columns)
  3. Battery voltage 0 to 12 volts
  4. Soil moisture is volumetric water content as a percentage
  5. Temperature from MINTEMP = -5 to MAXTEMP = 60 in soil
## [1] "163200 rows after data cleaning.  Removed 297 rows with illegal values"

Save a copy of the cleaned data

Summary of Weather Data

## [1] "2018-09-10 09:00:00 AWST" "2019-06-02 10:00:00 AWST"

Time series of per node data

Range of soilmoisture and temperature readings all nodes

Range of soilmoisture and temperature readings per node

Time series of measured soil moisture and temperature per node