Processing Set Up

Specify directories and load libraries Smooth scatter plot example code from

## Loading required package: data.table
## Loading required package: RColorBrewer

Read data from the Logger

One line per station (8 or 4 sensors). Sensor 5 has 8 sensors and all the others have 4 sensors. Entries for empty ports are just NAs in the data file.

## [1] 163497     24

Assign column names and types and summarise the results

##              Timestamp StationID PktID BatteryV   SM1 Temp1   SM2 Temp2
##      1: 20180910053012         2    28      9.7                        
##      2: 20180910053016         4   614     10.2                        
##      3: 20180910053321         5   367      9.7 24.58    13 40.54  13.1
##      4: 20180910053521         3   631      9.6     0    20     0  18.9
##      5: 20180910053659         1   677      9.6     0  19.8     0  20.6
##     ---                                                                
## 163493: 20190602223906         2 33683      8.4                        
## 163494: 20190602224336         5 35978      8.3  9.86  13.6 10.49  14.6
## 163495: 20190602224652         3 34767      8.3 11.65  12.5 13.42  14.8
## 163496: 20190602224729         1 37083      8.3  1.83  14.3  6.04  15.2
## 163497: 20190602224957         4 29578      8.8  4.44    13  6.29  14.1
##           SM3 Temp3   SM4 Temp4   SM5 Temp5   SM6 Temp6   SM7 Temp7   SM8
##      1:                             0  20.3     0  21.6     0  20.6     0
##      2:                                                                 0
##      3: 24.31  12.9 42.28  12.9 29.32  12.7 37.79  12.9 35.04  12.8 38.92
##      4:     0  20.3     0  20.2                                          
##      5:     0  20.7     0  19.3                                          
##     ---                                                                  
## 163493:                          5.54  13.5 20.47  15.6  4.03  14.8 25.54
## 163494:   8.9  13.7  9.88  14.9  9.92  14.3 10.95  15.2  6.33  14.7  6.08
## 163495: 11.21  13.2 13.48  14.3                                          
## 163496:  1.68  13.8  3.36  15.2                                          
## 163497:   5.9  11.8  7.15    14                                          
##         Temp8 Checksum Rawrssi NoiseFloor SignalToNoiseRatio
##      1:  19.4     2806     -96       -102                 -1
##      2:  20.2     1720     -93       -102                  8
##      3:  13.0     4935     -94        -99                 -3
##      4:    NA     2847     -91       -102                  7
##      5:    NA     2874     -91       -102                  6
##     ---                                                     
## 163493:  15.8     3117     -72        -94                 15
## 163494:  15.5     4775     -68        -93                 14
## 163495:    NA     3198     -88        -98                 10
## 163496:    NA     3004     -86        -97                 11
## 163497:    NA     3018     -82        -93                 13
##              Timestamp StationID PktID BatteryV   SM1 Temp1   SM2 Temp2
##      1: 20180910053012         2    28      9.7    NA    NA    NA    NA
##      2: 20180910053016         4   614     10.2    NA    NA    NA    NA
##      3: 20180910053321         5   367      9.7 24.58  13.0 40.54  13.1
##      4: 20180910053521         3   631      9.6  0.00  20.0  0.00  18.9
##      5: 20180910053659         1   677      9.6  0.00  19.8  0.00  20.6
##     ---                                                                
## 163493: 20190602223906         2 33683      8.4    NA    NA    NA    NA
## 163494: 20190602224336         5 35978      8.3  9.86  13.6 10.49  14.6
## 163495: 20190602224652         3 34767      8.3 11.65  12.5 13.42  14.8
## 163496: 20190602224729         1 37083      8.3  1.83  14.3  6.04  15.2
## 163497: 20190602224957         4 29578      8.8  4.44  13.0  6.29  14.1
##           SM3 Temp3   SM4 Temp4   SM5 Temp5   SM6 Temp6   SM7 Temp7   SM8
##      1:    NA    NA    NA    NA  0.00  20.3  0.00  21.6  0.00  20.6  0.00
##      2:    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA  0.00
##      3: 24.31  12.9 42.28  12.9 29.32  12.7 37.79  12.9 35.04  12.8 38.92
##      4:  0.00  20.3  0.00  20.2    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA
##      5:  0.00  20.7  0.00  19.3    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA
##     ---                                                                  
## 163493:    NA    NA    NA    NA  5.54  13.5 20.47  15.6  4.03  14.8 25.54
## 163494:  8.90  13.7  9.88  14.9  9.92  14.3 10.95  15.2  6.33  14.7  6.08
## 163495: 11.21  13.2 13.48  14.3    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA
## 163496:  1.68  13.8  3.36  15.2    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA
## 163497:  5.90  11.8  7.15  14.0    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA
##         Temp8 Checksum Rawrssi NoiseFloor SignalToNoiseRatio
##      1:  19.4     2806     -96       -102                 -1
##      2:  20.2     1720     -93       -102                  8
##      3:  13.0     4935     -94        -99                 -3
##      4:    NA     2847     -91       -102                  7
##      5:    NA     2874     -91       -102                  6
##     ---                                                     
## 163493:  15.8     3117     -72        -94                 15
## 163494:  15.5     4775     -68        -93                 14
## 163495:    NA     3198     -88        -98                 10
## 163496:    NA     3004     -86        -97                 11
## 163497:    NA     3018     -82        -93                 13
##          Timestamp          StationID              PktID 
##        "character"          "integer"          "integer" 
##           BatteryV                SM1              Temp1 
##          "numeric"          "numeric"          "numeric" 
##                SM2              Temp2                SM3 
##          "numeric"          "numeric"          "numeric" 
##              Temp3                SM4              Temp4 
##          "numeric"          "numeric"          "numeric" 
##                SM5              Temp5                SM6 
##          "numeric"          "numeric"          "numeric" 
##              Temp6                SM7              Temp7 
##          "numeric"          "numeric"          "numeric" 
##                SM8              Temp8           Checksum 
##          "numeric"          "numeric"          "integer" 
##            Rawrssi         NoiseFloor SignalToNoiseRatio 
##          "integer"          "integer"          "integer"

Read data from the Weather Station

One line per station (8 or 4 sensors). Sensor 5 has 8 sensors and all the others have 4 sensors. Entries for empty ports are just NAs in the data file.

## [1] 25445    18
##                            Date                            Time 
##                     "character"                     "character" 
##        Temperature.RAW...Deg.C.           Radiation.RAW...Wm2.. 
##                       "numeric"                       "numeric" 
##     Internal.Battery.RAW...mV..      External.Supply.RAW...mV.. 
##                       "integer"                       "integer" 
##  Wind.Direction.Min.RAW...deg..  Wind.Direction.Ave.RAW...deg.. 
##                       "integer"                       "integer" 
##             vWind.Direction....  Wind.Direction.Max.RAW...deg.. 
##                       "integer"                       "integer" 
##             vGust.Direction....      Wind.Speed.Min.RAW...m.s.. 
##                       "integer"                       "numeric" 
##      Wind.Speed.Ave.RAW...m.s..      Wind.Speed.Max.RAW...m.s.. 
##                       "numeric"                       "numeric" 
##            Humidity.RAW...pct.. Barometric.Pressure.RAW...hpa.. 
##                       "numeric"                       "numeric" 
##        Vaisala.Power.RAW...Volts.. 
##                       "numeric"                       "numeric"

Data cleaning

Cleaning process

  1. adjust RSSI reading for SNR according to datasheet Remove rows with illegal values as follows:
  2. StationID is 1 to 5 (sensors from 1 to 8 are in the columns)
  3. Battery voltage 0 to 12 volts
  4. Soil moisture is volumetric water content as a percentage
  5. Temperature from MINTEMP = -5 to MAXTEMP = 60 in soil
## [1] "163200 rows after data cleaning.  Removed 297 rows with illegal values"

Save a copy of the cleaned data

Summary of Weather Data

## [1] "2018-09-10 09:00:00 AWST" "2019-06-02 10:00:00 AWST"